2010.Jan.10, 02:34 PM
RE: Insane...
Post: #11
With a Dissidence Shogunate equipped, equipping either the Ares Black Talon dual pistols, OR the Ruger P-5 Burster, the shogunate is the default weapon when you attack someone.

So it would stand to reason it's the preferred PVP weapon.

Just to make sure I wasn't misunderstanding how that worked, I removed the Shogunate and equpped a random Wakizashi I have in storage. When I chose attack this time, the pistols were chosen as default.
2010.Jan.10, 02:42 PM
RE: Insane...
Post: #12
Well, we're talking defensive, but I'm sure it'd highlight offensively what your strongest weapon is..

The result:

[Image: preferenceweapon.png]
2010.Jan.10, 02:49 PM
RE: Insane...
Post: #13

3:36 pm You received $36 from Mac.

12,600,036$ robbed from him.
2010.Jan.10, 09:40 PM
RE: Insane...
Post: #14
as i said man..diss shog is default unequip the pistols and you should see no difference unless your opponent changed some stat, skill, or candy

2010.Jan.10, 09:43 PM
RE: Insane...
Post: #15
Yeah. Such a pain in the ass, though, to have to unequip and equip all the time.
2010.Jan.10, 09:58 PM
RE: Insane...
Post: #16
sorry its been that way long time...default isnt best if your stats/skills dont match...and now candies

2010.Jan.10, 10:00 PM
RE: Insane...
Post: #17
Zenith made it known to me when I brought this matter to her that bonuses DO NOT change your default.

Skills and stats all run to melee, too. XD It's painfully obvious what I'm rocking...Thinking about getting an SB-1. How does that thing do on hideouts?
2010.Jan.10, 10:02 PM
RE: Insane...
Post: #18
all specials and weapons have nat limits...sb1 might be in the low 50s with out mil skill..not sure doing the hvs up near 57 with 2 mil skill i think...specials on hideouts are where its at most of the time....ranged seem to be best except for the special axes

2010.Jan.10, 10:13 PM
RE: Insane...
Post: #19
i use the tibar still and oddly enough my high hit atm is low 50s... i think with that engineering bonus thing i can hit in the high 50s

let's play Auction Tycoon 3: Diablo Edition
(._.) ~ ︵ ┻━┻
2010.Jan.10, 10:19 PM
RE: Insane...
Post: #20
Federated Arms Medium Assault, I'm averaging 28.84 a hit (which is higher then your doing Behemoth) Plus this weapon is obviously the worse choice when compared to the shog.