one more class
2009.Dec.23, 03:51 PM
RE: one more class
Post: #11
(2009.Dec.23 05:25 AM)jockpaul Wrote:  Course Cost Confidence Acc Dex Res Str End Int Rep W.E.
Internship - GC497 0 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 Completed
Internship - GC496 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 0 Study

How quickly does the study confidence go for these? Curious because the GC498 seems very, very slow as compared to the GC499. Are 497/496 worse than 498?
2009.Dec.23, 03:52 PM
RE: one more class
Post: #12
497 was very quick, and I think 496 is quicker, I've only been at 496 for a day though so I may be wrong.
2009.Dec.23, 03:57 PM
RE: one more class
Post: #13
(2009.Dec.23 03:52 PM)thatthingufear Wrote:  497 was very quick, and I think 496 is quicker, I've only been at 496 for a day though so I may be wrong.

how many points did you get today?

9:42 pm
New! WilliamR (aka Punisher) attacked you and lost.

3:07 am
New! Howl attacked you and lost.
8:53 pm Conrad attacked you and lost.
2009.Dec.23, 04:00 PM
RE: one more class
Post: #14
Internship - GC496 0 7.10%
2009.Dec.23, 04:06 PM
RE: one more class
Post: #15
Definitely faster then. I think I am at about 30% for 498, and been at it at least 2 weeks I think.
2009.Dec.23, 05:16 PM
RE: one more class
Post: #16
im at 5.6% Sad only 7 hours tho, so i hope i'll break 6 with my last hour.. on the 4th class also!
the work exp class was only 2 weeks, the endurance class was a straight MONTH

You attacked and hit for 761 damage against their hideout! Too bad nobody cares!