2009.Dec.21, 07:13 PM
Post: #1
7:10 pm PropositionHoHoHo busted you out of jail. Delete
6:56 pm Smiley got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
6:54 pm snorkelbill got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
6:42 pm PropositionHoHoHo got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
6:37 pm JakeBlues got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
6:36 pm Reknak got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
6:32 pm YeOldePun got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
6:31 pm WRAITHLORD got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
6:30 pm WRAITHLORD tried to bust you out of jail but failed. Delete
6:29 pm ClosedCasket got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
6:20 pm Reknak got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
6:20 pm Reknak got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
6:20 pm PropositionHoHoHo got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
6:19 pm Eff got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
6:19 pm PropositionHoHoHo got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
6:18 pm SoaresDuarte got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
6:10 pm Maccleod got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete

This post was last modified: 2009.Dec.21 07:13 PM by abysmalpoptart.

You attacked and hit for 761 damage against their hideout! Too bad nobody cares!