the Space Wranglers surrender to SV and their allied forces
2009.Dec.10, 11:20 PM
RE: the Space Wranglers surrender to SV and their allied forces
Post: #119
Halotard, please pull your head out of said ass (CheetDUH) and smell some fresh air. Ahhh. Now, hopefully the fog of tossing salad has cleared. Please ask the salad tossie to respond. She is the one who threatended another member. Don't be a minion, be a friend and help her help herself by publicly responding that she apologizes for making said threats and she didn't mean it and none of us have to look outisde tomorrow morning. I would feel more comfortable.

29.Jan.09 ColdBeerHere attacked you and lost.
29.Jan.09 ColdBeerHere attacked you and lost.

Messages In This Thread
RE: the Space Wranglers surrender to SV and their allied forces - UncleDave - 2009.Dec.10 11:20 PM