Storaged belt trick
2009.Apr.16, 07:20 PM
RE: Storaged belt trick
Post: #6
(2009.Apr.09 08:37 PM)Gornikel Wrote:  For you belt users out there,

looks like, when you got many belts from the same model at different % or charge, the one on top of the list is always the one with the smallest %


This is correct..looks like it sorts it by type then %.

Buzz Off

Messages In This Thread
Storaged belt trick - Gornikel - 2009.Apr.09, 08:37 PM
RE: Storaged belt trick - Gornikel - 2009.Apr.10, 09:13 PM
RE: Storaged belt trick - emocakes - 2009.Apr.16, 01:16 AM
RE: Storaged belt trick - Gornikel - 2009.Apr.16, 06:45 AM
RE: Storaged belt trick - lrrltt - 2009.Apr.16, 07:03 AM
RE: Storaged belt trick - lrrltt - 2009.Apr.16 07:20 PM