Money for crimes
2006.Nov.14, 01:24 PM
Post: #6
I think the maximum yield should be at most twice the minimum yield. eg. instead of having the complex meth lab yield anywhere from 350-1600. make it like 675-1350 or so. then you can't get the really high ones, but you also can't get totally ripped off.

Messages In This Thread
Money for crimes - ShadowDude - 2006.Nov.14, 01:51 AM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2006.Nov.14, 08:47 AM
[] - matt5250 - 2006.Nov.14, 08:51 AM
[] - ShadowDude - 2006.Nov.14, 12:10 PM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Nov.14, 01:06 PM
[] - matt5250 - 2006.Nov.14 01:24 PM
[] - matt5250 - 2006.Nov.14, 01:41 PM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Nov.14, 01:54 PM
[] - matt5250 - 2006.Nov.14, 03:21 PM
[] - zenith - 2006.Nov.14, 07:00 PM
[] - Flaxon - 2006.Nov.15, 10:23 AM
[] - matt5250 - 2006.Nov.15, 10:32 AM
GOOD - Monk205 - 2006.Nov.23, 05:25 PM
[] - ShadowDude - 2006.Nov.23, 07:25 PM