Training Tips from Seven Laws!
2008.Sep.08, 10:36 PM
Training Tips from Seven Laws!
Post: #1
Warning.. there are some simple math involve in here. If you are not good at math, here is the summary.


"Amount of energy per train", Donator Status, Endurance, Housing, and gym trainer will increase your total gym train gain per energy.


NOTE: This is an approximation generated from normal play. As far as the actual % or math calculation, only the game creator would know.

Tips # 1:
Donator will get 150% increase in gym training in compare to non-donor.

Plus, donor status will also get close to 2 times the amount of energy gain in compare to non-donor.

If you are serious about getting strong, buy the donator pack daily with your crime money. Or, simply donate Real Cash to buy the donator status.

Tips #2:
ONE endurance will increase your gym gain by approximately 2.5% ratio.

What is Ratio?
"Developed Points from gym train" Divided by "Energy used" = a Gain Ratio.

For instance:
If you use 35 energy and u gained 28 dev point from the gym, your ratio is 80%. In simple math, 28/35 = 0.80,

Tips #3:
A house that increase your happiness by 10 will give you around 1% increase in your gym gain ratio.

Tips #4:
Trainer provide a temporary gym train gain in the following manner.

$10 bucks trainer equal to around 10% increase in gym gain.
$20 bucks trainer equal to around 15% increase in gym gain.
$40 bucks trainer equal to around 20% increase in gym gain.

How do I calculate ratio increase?
Energy Times "Gain Ratio" is the approximation value.

Example: 35 energy times 0.82 is 28.7 dev point.

How come the Dev Pt value is off?
There are a small randomness in gym training result.

What's better? House or Endurance?
100 happiness is equal to 4 endurance. Whichever cost cheaper, get that first. But, you also have to factor in equipment requirement. Sometime, you just need that end to equip that armor or weapon you wanted.

More Rare Tips are ONLY available at Seven Laws Gang.


Messages In This Thread
Training Tips from Seven Laws! - ZeonOne - 2008.Sep.08 10:36 PM
RE: Training Tips from Seven Laws! - w00k - 2010.Mar.04, 06:31 PM
RE: Training Tips from Seven Laws! - Batman - 2010.Mar.18, 05:02 AM
RE: Training Tips from Seven Laws! - Thor - 2010.Jul.01, 08:12 PM
RE: Training Tips from Seven Laws! - Thor - 2010.Jul.01, 09:22 PM
RE: Training Tips from Seven Laws! - jgrea4 - 2010.Oct.08, 09:04 PM
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