Hold out for the B4C or get the SIC armour in the meantime..
2008.Aug.31, 07:29 AM
Post: #9
shadowinc Wrote:get the sic bro, it will help you alot till you can get the stats for the b4c

On my way to the store now.........

Obama's balls, your chin...............Suckers..........Duped again.
Benders face, my ass....................Sucker Dupe

Messages In This Thread
[] - buuddha - 2008.Aug.31, 12:56 AM
[] - Punisher - 2008.Aug.31, 04:28 AM
[] - Dingus - 2008.Aug.31, 04:32 AM
[] - shadowinc - 2008.Aug.31, 06:00 AM
[] - BlackJeep - 2008.Aug.31, 06:20 AM
[] - Dingus - 2008.Aug.31, 06:24 AM
[] - hardasgranite - 2008.Aug.31, 07:27 AM
[] - hardasgranite - 2008.Aug.31 07:29 AM
[] - shark24 - 2008.Aug.31, 09:11 AM
[] - Marlo - 2008.Sep.01, 08:27 AM