CASANOVA Tell it like it is
2006.Aug.21, 03:14 PM
Post: #14
I wanted to address 666666's question about being level 9 and being attacked.

Most of us don't have lots of free cash lying around to move zones freely. Almost all of us were brought up, so to speak, on the $1000 ticket to a new zone, so we stayed still come heck or high water. I just noticed the change last week (late last week).

I'll use me as an example here. I was in Industrial. I was there to try to measure myself against another player. I didn't want to spend the money to move, as I am saving for a house. So I had to attack whoever was the highest level in the zone that I could defeat. Usually there was one higher level player in the zone, and there was a big drop off to the next level of player. So I had to attack level 8's because that was all that was left for me. (Sorry Joey and Vamp if you were unhappy about that).

The best way to avoid being attacked a lot is to have your stats be too high for your level. If you ONLY train, and do no crimes or attacks, you could be level 1 with the best stats in the game (assuming you donate a couple thousand dollars). This is an extreme example, but I think you get my point.

In response to Naught, did you email Casanova and ask him about it? Maybe I am fortunate, but he has alway repaid me if he attacks inappropiately (usually clicking on hospitalize by mistake), as has anyone else that "hit" me, and as I try to do if I hit someone by mistake (Informica comes to mind).

People make a choice to hate or love. It is not what happens to you, but how you react to what happens that makes the person.

Messages In This Thread
CASANOVA Tell it like it is - colinmc24 - 2006.Aug.21, 12:18 PM
[] - Chris Mangano - 2006.Aug.21, 12:33 PM
[] - Sam I Am - 2006.Aug.21, 12:44 PM
[] - Jack Daniels - 2006.Aug.21, 01:09 PM
[] - zenith - 2006.Aug.21, 01:15 PM
[] - Jack Daniels - 2006.Aug.21, 01:36 PM
[] - colinmc24 - 2006.Aug.21, 02:06 PM
[] - Sam I Am - 2006.Aug.21, 02:08 PM
[] - Jack Daniels - 2006.Aug.21, 02:17 PM
[] - Naught - 2006.Aug.21, 02:25 PM
[] - 666666 - 2006.Aug.21, 02:46 PM
[] - Lostangel - 2006.Aug.21, 02:53 PM
[] - beelzebub - 2006.Aug.21, 03:07 PM
[] - Lostangel - 2006.Aug.21 03:14 PM
[] - Lostangel - 2006.Aug.21, 03:16 PM
[] - Naught - 2006.Aug.21, 03:22 PM
[] - 666666 - 2006.Aug.21, 03:36 PM
[] - colinmc24 - 2006.Aug.21, 04:05 PM
[] - Lostangel - 2006.Aug.21, 04:12 PM
[] - Naught - 2006.Aug.21, 04:31 PM
[] - 666666 - 2006.Aug.21, 04:52 PM
[] - 666666 - 2006.Aug.21, 05:16 PM
[] - Chris Mangano - 2006.Aug.21, 05:39 PM
[] - beelzebub - 2006.Aug.21, 05:44 PM
[] - Darius - 2006.Aug.21, 07:59 PM
[] - beelzebub - 2006.Aug.21, 08:29 PM
[] - Darius - 2006.Aug.21, 08:42 PM
[] - Inferno - 2006.Aug.22, 07:19 AM
[] - Chris Mangano - 2006.Aug.22, 12:40 PM
Exactly Chris - DreadPiratePinky - 2006.Aug.22, 12:52 PM
[] - 666666 - 2006.Aug.22, 04:00 PM