Its all a waiting game now
2017.Jul.04, 03:12 PM
RE: Its all a waiting game now
Post: #5
I wonder if the bonus day is July 13th or 15th?
Both are listed, I guess one got missed in the copy and paste.
Not surprising, we still don't even have the results from the st Patrick's day contest or the Easter one.

Proud US Navy Veteran
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Messages In This Thread
Its all a waiting game now - backfromhell - 2017.Jul.04, 06:47 AM
RE: Its all a waiting game now - CrazyFoley - 2017.Jul.04, 09:50 AM
RE: Its all a waiting game now - TealJade - 2017.Jul.04 03:12 PM
RE: Its all a waiting game now - TealJade - 2017.Jul.04, 11:02 PM
RE: Its all a waiting game now - pornking - 2017.Jul.04, 11:21 PM