Lucky Leprechaun Clover?
2011.Mar.28, 05:19 AM
RE: Lucky Leprechaun Clover?
Post: #2
there arnt many left, so probably around 100k ea by now. but not sure who would buy it.

it gives you lots of little bonuses, but the best part is that it is the only thing in the game that has a chance to boost your humanity. i think it can add up to about .1 humanity

19.) You hit for 1195 points of damage. XXX resists 2 for a total of 1193 damage.

Messages In This Thread
Lucky Leprechaun Clover? - DemonSpirit - 2011.Mar.28, 04:09 AM
RE: Lucky Leprechaun Clover? - shadow55 - 2011.Mar.28 05:19 AM
RE: Lucky Leprechaun Clover? - tables18 - 2011.Apr.03, 04:18 PM
RE: Lucky Leprechaun Clover? - tables18 - 2011.Apr.03, 06:59 PM