team crimes
2007.Feb.18, 01:14 PM
Post: #7
ahh, as for jail time. I've noticed a conscious attempt to keep things as realistic as possible. When your neighborhood career criminal gets the local crackhead to drive the getaway car and let Mr. Criminal hide out at his pad for a while, he gets aiding and abeding (sp?) and a certain amount of time in the slammer. Minimum sentences and all that jazz. Maybe we should take that into acct.

Messages In This Thread
team crimes - mudpies - 2007.Feb.17, 02:02 PM
[] - psheehan78 - 2007.Feb.17, 04:56 PM
[] - steven2006 - 2007.Feb.17, 05:27 PM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Feb.17, 07:58 PM
[] - Dracon - 2007.Feb.18, 05:45 AM
[] - Thor - 2007.Feb.18, 09:35 AM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Feb.18 01:14 PM