You know you're due to do some times when...
2007.Feb.15, 11:11 PM
You know you're due to do some times when...
Post: #1
This happens to you:
15.February.07 11:03:35 pm Pluto got caught trying to bust you out of jail.
15.February.07 10:51:33 pm abysmalpoptart got caught trying to bust you out of jail.
15.February.07 10:50:07 pm Diamond got caught trying to bust you out of jail.
15.February.07 10:49:04 pm Sephiroth got caught trying to bust you out of jail.
15.February.07 10:36:29 pm Loki busted you out of jail. (And I went right back in trying to bust some1else!!)
15.February.07 10:35:15 pm Havok got caught trying to bust you out of jail.
15.February.07 10:28:32 pm HumanTorch got caught trying to bust you out of jail.

Some1else got that many fails tonight or whenever?? lol

p.s. Thanks to all those who tried!!

Messages In This Thread
You know you're due to do some times when... - Thor - 2007.Feb.15 11:11 PM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Feb.15, 11:43 PM
[] - zenith - 2007.Feb.16, 12:56 AM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Feb.16, 01:09 AM
[] - Thor - 2007.Feb.16, 02:20 AM
[] - psheehan78 - 2007.Feb.16, 02:24 AM
[] - zenith - 2007.Feb.16, 07:37 PM
[] - mastergasket - 2007.Mar.11, 05:23 PM