Changing offline time
2007.Feb.06, 01:57 AM
Changing offline time
Post: #1
Just a thought, but how would this work-

if you have full EP for a tic or more, you get registered as offline.

Online attacks are still obviously allowed, and if you wanted to continue to hit at 15 minutes, there's nothing stopping you. But I know I for one would leave people unless they say online- a lot of people like to play every half hour, letting their EP build up, since they have things to do in the meantime. No one wants to be forced to sit and refresh every 10 minutes throughout the day.

Those that plan their time like that, will not be registered as 'offline' because they're still effectively active, they're just waiting for EP to regenerate. So if you only get marked as offline when your EP has been full for a tic- chances are you won't be coming back anytime soon, or if you do- fully expect to be in hospital.

Messages In This Thread
Changing offline time - LordSkie - 2007.Feb.06 01:57 AM
[] - Druchii - 2007.Feb.06, 09:49 AM