Gang Names
2006.Nov.25, 05:56 PM
Gang Names
Post: #1
I was just looking at the list of gangs and I always get confused with all the name changes. I think it would be nice to have a "Gang History" to show Name changes at least. It could also show who joined or left, or war history. I would really just like to see the name history so you can tell who is who, but maybe I am alone on this.

Messages In This Thread
Gang Names - i8kevin - 2006.Nov.25 05:56 PM
[] - zenith - 2006.Nov.25, 08:14 PM
[] - oddjob - 2006.Nov.26, 06:45 PM
[] - peajew - 2006.Nov.28, 01:48 PM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Nov.28, 02:05 PM