Anyone done this before?
2006.Nov.24, 01:00 PM
Post: #6
you attacked him at the same time as someone else is my guess, it's happened to me before and it was when I attacked someone at the same time. I got the exp but the other person complained they didn't.

Messages In This Thread
Anyone done this before? - Druchii - 2006.Nov.24, 12:23 PM
[] - Funkonaut - 2006.Nov.24, 12:24 PM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Nov.24, 12:27 PM
[] - matt5250 - 2006.Nov.24, 12:37 PM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Nov.24, 12:40 PM
[] - Scipio - 2006.Nov.24 01:00 PM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Nov.24, 01:10 PM
nope - Monk205 - 2006.Dec.11, 05:38 PM
[] - Sam I Am - 2006.Dec.11, 06:02 PM
[] - Scipio - 2006.Dec.12, 07:46 AM