Work Experience Conversion
2009.Mar.09, 08:31 PM
Work Experience Conversion
Post: #1
I did a search to see if this had been discussed anywhere before...

Is the WE conversion for engineering a typo? Seriously. Eng has a the worst battle stat conversion of the 3 with 4.0 conversions, moderate int conversion, ties for worst end and rep conversions... Why does it also have a nightmarishly bad Work Experience conversion? Even MA gives you .50... You would have to get to level 20 or so to make it worthwhile to not leave your career to try to up your WE

Was it supposed to be .80 and since the 'old fogeys' had to deal with it, it would be unfair to fix it? Every other career is reasonable to increase your WE, albeit slowly, while staying in your career by bleeding off CP's here and there. Engineering would take thousands of CP to raise it a single level. I don't see where there is a counter balance to offset this weakness. The career abilities are nice, but not THAT nice.

Messages In This Thread
Work Experience Conversion - infinite93 - 2009.Mar.09 08:31 PM