Failed gang crimes
2006.Nov.05, 11:51 PM
Post: #2
from the newspaper


* Organized Crimes now take on a new look. From the time you start the crime until the time the crime goes into action, the more active your gang members are the greater your chance of success. If the gang crime fails, there is a chance one or more of your gang members will be put in jail or the hospital. Inactive gang members will make succeeding in crimes difficult.
so if your members are offline alot during the crime completion period, it will likely fail. if all your members are online and very active, it will likely succeed.

Messages In This Thread
Failed gang crimes - mahtareika - 2006.Nov.05, 09:23 PM
[] - oddjob - 2006.Nov.05 11:51 PM
[] - mahtareika - 2006.Nov.05, 11:57 PM
[] - i8kevin - 2006.Dec.19, 03:12 PM
[] - zenith - 2006.Dec.19, 05:11 PM
[] - i8kevin - 2006.Dec.20, 09:58 AM