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Need more districts
2008.Jun.13, 04:00 PM
Need more districts
Post: #1
I saw the big gap in the levels for the next district and i say thats one big gap we need more districts so we can buy stuff thats not on the market.

also why isnt there no rocket launchers and stuff like that in the game?

Messages In This Thread
Need more districts - zzzz53 - 2008.Jun.13 04:00 PM
[] - alinutza - 2008.Jun.13, 04:03 PM
[] - zzzz53 - 2008.Jun.13, 04:06 PM
[] - mudpies - 2008.Jun.13, 04:34 PM
[] - Promathia19 - 2008.Jun.13, 04:50 PM
[] - zzzz53 - 2008.Jun.13, 07:09 PM