Another view on kidnapping/abduction
2008.Mar.15, 11:07 AM
Another view on kidnapping/abduction
Post: #1
What if during a war when you use gang battle you get an option to use gang points to abduct the member you have beaten to a chosen district.

Say I beat a member from another gang in a gang battle, and then I get the option if I want to abduct that person to another district.

Lets say from midlan to downtown decatur, 10-15 gang points with a 30% of failure ie. found by cops or something else.

If a person gets beaten in a gang battle they get out of hospital with less then 50% hp, and then they can be beaten by lower members in the gang, but this easily countered by hiding in higher districts.

Or we can do it with "leave in shame attack" to however we want, only thing needed is to be allowed to do it in gang permission. And you would have to pay twice the fair to the level zone you wanna move them too, so if you don't have the cash for it you can't do it.

Key to success: "Dress everyday like you're gonna get murdered in those clothes.

Messages In This Thread
Another view on kidnapping/abduction - Druchii - 2008.Mar.15 11:07 AM