action point on D-day
2006.Sep.15, 01:15 PM
Post: #4
Hrrrm. says nothing bout donating increasing Act. Pts. in the Help tutorial, only energy....

Quote:# Energy is used for training and attacking. Energy refreshes a bit every 5 minutes depending on your level. By donating though, you refresh at twice the standard rate!

# Action Points are used to do crimes and other actions. Crimes take varying amounts of action points to attempt. The more action points it costs, the harder it will be to succeed. If you find yourself failing crimes a lot, try looking for another one, or taking a step back until you have gained more experience.

But under the donate link it says:

Quote: * Improved Gym Stat Gains
* Energy Gain Increase
* Action Point Increase
* Friend and Black Lists
* Donator Icon next to name

weird....i never noticed....good question


Messages In This Thread
action point on D-day - Druchii - 2006.Sep.15, 12:40 PM
[] - Sam I Am - 2006.Sep.15, 12:46 PM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Sep.15, 01:08 PM
[] - oddjob - 2006.Sep.15 01:15 PM