Gang Points Usage
2008.Jan.26, 07:12 PM
Gang Points Usage
Post: #1
I am sure people have some pretty awesome ideas on how to use gang points in new ways. I want to hear them.

Some ideas I've been sent that I like are...


Gang Strike - For the cost of 20 gp + 1/2 opponent's level, you can attempt to send them to the hospital. Requires a minimum of 2 online gang members, but the more online players the better your chances of success. The player who is being attacked will fight back however, so this isn't a no risk investment.

Possible results...
Opponent is hospitalized.
Some / All attackers are sent to the hospital.
Jail time if the cops catch the attackers.


Drug Lab - By spending some gang points, a gang can create a drug lab. GP costs will vary depending on the type of drug. In the crime page, players will have various crimes specific for their gang. The time the drug lab lasts depends on how successful the crimes the players commit are.

Possible design would give a gang 3 gang crimes for members to perform; obtain materials, create drugs, distribute drugs.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin

Messages In This Thread
[] - benfrankly - 2008.Jan.29, 07:51 PM
Gang Points Usage - zenith - 2008.Jan.26 07:12 PM
[] - hunter52070 - 2008.Jan.26, 07:26 PM
[] - badmanbren - 2008.Jan.26, 07:32 PM
[] - zenith - 2008.Jan.26, 07:35 PM
[] - g2o2d4wp - 2008.Jan.26, 07:38 PM
[] - badmanbren - 2008.Jan.26, 08:09 PM
[] - MrHyde - 2008.Jan.26, 08:29 PM
[] - decadency - 2008.Jan.27, 12:53 AM
[] - benfrankly - 2008.Jan.27, 01:08 AM
[] - saint - 2008.Jan.27, 01:44 AM
[] - filthymick - 2008.Jan.27, 02:31 AM
[] - carr9190 - 2008.Jan.27, 03:00 AM
[] - filthymick - 2008.Jan.27, 03:50 AM
[] - Rafallol - 2008.Jan.27, 05:59 AM
[] - KcCashBrigade - 2008.Jan.27, 10:03 AM
[] - AlienaFerox - 2008.Jan.27, 10:09 AM
[] - badmanbren - 2008.Jan.27, 10:12 AM
[] - AlienaFerox - 2008.Jan.27, 10:22 AM
[] - Druchii - 2008.Jan.27, 03:14 PM
Points usage - Gornikel - 2008.Jan.27, 08:42 PM
Re: Points usage - Marlo - 2008.Jan.27, 08:51 PM
[] - Druchii - 2008.Jan.28, 12:19 PM
[] - badmanbren - 2008.Jan.28, 12:26 PM
[] - Druchii - 2008.Jan.28, 12:33 PM
[] - hunter52070 - 2008.Jan.28, 01:11 PM
[] - zenith - 2008.Jan.28, 02:39 PM
[] - Gornikel - 2008.Jan.28, 03:11 PM
[] - zenith - 2008.Jan.28, 03:21 PM
[] - teamhood - 2008.Jan.28, 03:43 PM
[] - Punisher - 2008.Jan.28, 08:54 PM
[] - EvilLemming - 2008.Jan.29, 11:40 AM
[] - Druchii - 2008.Jan.30, 11:41 AM
[] - Conrad1103 - 2008.Jan.30, 10:23 PM
[] - Conrad1103 - 2008.Jan.30, 10:31 PM
[] - EvilLemming - 2008.Jan.30, 11:05 PM
[] - Scorpious - 2008.Jan.31, 11:52 AM
[] - Howlsong - 2008.Jan.31, 01:38 PM
[] - Druchii - 2008.Jan.31, 03:50 PM
[] - Scorpious - 2008.Jan.31, 05:56 PM
[] - Gornikel - 2008.Feb.02, 07:04 PM
[] - alinutza - 2008.Feb.05, 04:23 AM