Poll: Your thoughts on the current combat exploit code (please read post before voting)...
100% XP loss is fine.
100% XP loss is too much.
100% XP loss is not enough.
Another penalty shoud be implemented.
It has never happened to me, no comment.
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Official Awakened Lands Poll: Combat Exploit Prevention Code
2006.Sep.10, 11:22 PM
Official Awakened Lands Poll: Combat Exploit Prevention Code
Post: #1
There have been an inordinate amount of players getting tagged with the "You lost all your EXP for running from the fight" exploit deterent code lately. As we grow, the amount of players hit with this fix will grow as well.

This code is a remnant of the old Monocountry codebase. It is triggered when someone is in combat, and attempts to do something not combat related prior to the end of combat.

Personally, I don't feel this is too harsh a penalty. However, it is pretty harsh when it occurs to someone who is innocent of any wrongdoing. Since it is impossible to decypher the innocent from the guilty in these situations by code alone, and allowing human judgement and interaction most likely will lead to bias, I wanted to consult with our community about a possible change.

There are two situations I would like you to look at.
  1. What is a good enough deterent for the guilty (those who intentionally try to exploit the combat code)?
  2. What is an acceptable conseqence for an innocent / accidental click?

I must stress the fact that most of the time the code is triggered, it is in the event of an exploiter. Since June 1st the code has been triggered 1,037 times, of which 901 were obvious exploits (most of whom are no longer playing). It's hard to judge how the rest can be categorized.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin

Messages In This Thread
Official Awakened Lands Poll: Combat Exploit Prevention Code - zenith - 2006.Sep.10 11:22 PM
[] - LuparKoor - 2006.Sep.10, 11:59 PM
[] - zenith - 2006.Sep.11, 12:09 AM
[] - LuparKoor - 2006.Sep.11, 01:35 AM
Another approach or addition - hunter52070 - 2006.Sep.11, 03:17 AM
[] - Inferno - 2006.Sep.11, 07:02 AM
[] - oddjob - 2006.Sep.11, 02:35 PM
[] - Dragon - 2006.Sep.11, 04:14 PM
[] - oddjob - 2006.Sep.11, 05:15 PM
[] - Dragon - 2006.Sep.11, 05:39 PM
[] - Funkonaut - 2006.Sep.11, 05:57 PM
[] - Dragon - 2006.Sep.11, 06:11 PM
[] - zenith - 2006.Sep.11, 06:57 PM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Sep.13, 02:05 AM
[] - zenith - 2006.Sep.13, 02:07 AM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Sep.13, 02:12 AM
[] - brythompson - 2006.Sep.14, 02:00 AM