Same IP
2006.Sep.02, 12:14 PM
Same IP
Post: #1
Hey, I just logged in at work, and my buddy saw me. He now wants an account as well. We both have home internet, but when we're at work, we'll probably have the same IP, even if its at a different computer. I just sent him my referal link. The game rules say to contact staff ASAP. Will this be an issue?

Messages In This Thread
[] - Kinger - 2006.Sep.02, 01:34 PM
Same IP - Kinger - 2006.Sep.02 12:14 PM
[] - Inferno - 2006.Sep.02, 12:39 PM
[] - 666666 - 2006.Sep.02, 01:59 PM
[] - Inferno - 2006.Sep.02, 06:14 PM
[] - 666666 - 2006.Sep.03, 03:01 AM
[] - noblebandit - 2006.Sep.03, 06:10 AM
[] - Inferno - 2006.Sep.03, 09:07 AM
[] - zenith - 2006.Sep.03, 12:33 PM
[] - Inferno - 2006.Sep.03, 09:31 PM
[] - zenith - 2006.Sep.03, 10:37 PM
[] - Inferno - 2006.Sep.04, 08:02 AM