"rare" items
2007.Nov.08, 12:01 AM
"rare" items
Post: #1
how often do they appear in stores? i mean do the appear every day but only for a certain time period or could it take months before one finally shows up in a store? im wondering because i look on teh item market and see think like dyreema treachcoat selling for 220k when its really 175k in teh store.. im guessing its because its rare though that price jump isnt really that huge a deal.. what caught my eye is the EM-2 armor shielding selling for 900k when the sell price is only like 50k... is teh item THAT rare that it wouldn sell THAT high in teh item market? also what stroe does the EM2 appear in?

Finally as wierd as this may sounds whats the best/fastest way to lose exp? (as wierd as it may sound im tryin to lose about 1k exp so i can get a few stats to wheer i want them before i gain my next level) ive tried attacking mmuch higher lvl people and dying to lose exp but the effort (i,e wste of energy and the time it takes for refill, plus the time id miss using that energy in the gym) and teh small amount of exp loss didnt seem to be worth it lol would take forever to lose 1k exp at that rate.... I also thoughh of comminting extremely high AP crimes that Id have no chance of being succeful to go to jail and lose exp that way but im sure the small emough in exp lose also wouldnt be worth teh time it took for the getting out of jail wait PLUS waiting on AP to refilll after getting out only to do it again for probably another 50 exp loss then like a 2 hour wait before i can do it again. Sooo any tips in that regard?

Messages In This Thread
"rare" items - Hiei008 - 2007.Nov.08 12:01 AM
[] - Dartanon - 2007.Nov.08, 02:40 AM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Nov.08, 02:52 AM
[] - Ushanewnewba - 2007.Nov.08, 03:53 AM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Nov.08, 06:49 AM