Invalid use of file
2007.Nov.02, 08:19 AM
Invalid use of file
Post: #1
If one clicks on a user's profile link in The Great Pumpkin rankings, a message comes up and says, "Invalid use of file". Now, I think that what is causing this is that there is no user indentification number in the "u" variable of the URL, to a user's profile. Hope fully, this will get fixed up, pretty quickly. It just caught me by surprise, so I thought that I would let it be known.

The Great Pumpkin Rankings

Messages In This Thread
Invalid use of file - Dragon - 2007.Nov.02 08:19 AM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Nov.02, 05:49 PM
[] - Jolabent - 2007.Nov.02, 05:55 PM