Bunches of Gang Suggestions ~ Let me know what you think!
2007.Aug.23, 09:34 AM
Bunches of Gang Suggestions ~ Let me know what you think!
Post: #1
Member Non-War Repair Chart
Can you make it so you can see who is Non-War repairing the gang? Maybe there could be a list of 25-50 Recent repairs. It would be helpful to see who in the gang is helping restore a gangs hideout.

Member Averages
A list that says what each user averages in attacks, and defenses in gang wars. This might help the gang decide who should be defending and who should be attacking.

Gang Chat
Even if its a basic PHP chat, it would do. Maybe something similar to a Guestbook. It could be easily implemented.

Gang Updates
Something that the gang leaders can post up news, and announcements. Maybe even something that will Auto-Announce on the front page when you win/lose a war.

Something that you can pre-arrange an amount of cash to be given to the gang at a specific time. Maybe every day... every week. Maybe even have paychecks based on the level of the gang member.

Gang Sections
I noticed there was a "Gang Announcement" section. What if we could make our own sections. Like for Example "Guide", "Benefits", and any other section that we would want to make. I would use it for my gangs Ranks, and Rank Points Shop.

President Options
Something to allow the president to allow the Vice President to declare war. That would be extremely helpful because some gangs have to switch Pres. with each other everyday so this can be arranged.

Rejecting Applications
When/If you get rejected from a gang, that user might want a reason why. Implementing a comment on a users rejection offering them advice of what they might need to re-apply at a later date might be helpful.

Probation Period
The ability to put members who are in-active in a Probation Period. This might make them release that they are in-active, and that there memembership has been given a second look. This could also be useful for newer members as well. kinnda like a ranking system.. but not.

Custom Rank System
Could be fun to give your gang members ranks. I would have ranks like Defensive Leader, Defensive Solider, Offensive Leader, Offensive Solider.

Member Classes
Why not switch it up and give users special classes? Each user could have a special ability, wither its a Attack Bonus, War-Time Defense Bonus, our a Peace Time repair bonus. Just a thought o.o

Gang Experience Points (Members) (goes with the classes idea above)
When a member attacks an opposing gang, they should receive a small amount of Experience points that they could upgrade there Member Classes (Above). This would encourage gang members to be more active, because they are achieving something else when attacking/defending. There could even be an implement gang member levels system were you can trade this experience points for personal gain in your attacks, our gang wide upgrades. o.o

Messages In This Thread
Bunches of Gang Suggestions ~ Let me know what you think! - abstractamy - 2007.Aug.23 09:34 AM
[] - Scorpious - 2007.Aug.23, 01:40 PM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Aug.23, 01:55 PM
[] - abstractamy - 2007.Aug.23, 02:30 PM
[] - killer1994 - 2007.Aug.23, 03:00 PM
[] - Catseye - 2007.Aug.23, 04:39 PM
[] - abstractamy - 2007.Aug.23, 05:18 PM
[] - jiggaj - 2007.Aug.23, 08:58 PM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Aug.23, 09:04 PM
[] - SulphurLizard - 2007.Aug.24, 02:13 AM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Aug.24, 06:14 AM
[] - SulphurLizard - 2007.Aug.24, 07:20 AM
[] - abstractamy - 2007.Aug.24, 10:53 AM
[] - McCule - 2007.Aug.24, 12:06 PM
[] - zenith - 2007.Aug.24, 12:17 PM
[] - dayute - 2007.Aug.24, 01:04 PM
[] - killer1994 - 2007.Aug.24, 02:31 PM
[] - Thor - 2007.Aug.24, 02:37 PM
[] - killer1994 - 2007.Aug.24, 02:44 PM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Aug.24, 04:09 PM
[] - Howlsong - 2007.Aug.25, 04:53 PM
[] - Scorpious - 2007.Aug.26, 10:28 AM
[] - Howlsong - 2007.Aug.27, 04:50 AM
[] - derek2752 - 2007.Aug.27, 03:49 PM
[] - Scorpious - 2007.Aug.27, 11:23 PM
[] - Scorpious - 2007.Aug.27, 11:24 PM
[] - Howlsong - 2007.Aug.28, 03:36 AM
[] - alinutza - 2007.Nov.11, 06:16 AM
[] - Scorpious - 2007.Nov.11, 12:50 PM
[] - abstractamy - 2007.Nov.14, 08:22 PM