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2008.Feb.21, 02:17 PM
Post: #1
in an attemp to lower the cost of my sanity that the new gang wars/ gang battles are taking. i've come up with an idea that has probably been suggested before.

maybe we can put a little more consideration to it this time if it has been suggested before.

how about a handful of NPC gangs that very in levels and # of mebers. only with defense rating a little more reasonable. this way newer players can get the hang of gang wars & battles, without doing something stupid. like talking smack to SG, or even trying to war a villians gang, and getting a bunch of events courtesy of Pun.

also, the tougher of us could farm the NPC gangs too and this would make it alot more profitable to try to war an active gang cuz they might have more gang points.

when voting try to think of the AL gamers as a whole, instead of just what's good for you please.....

Messages In This Thread
AN IDEA.... - filthymick - 2008.Feb.21 02:17 PM
[] - JaySin - 2008.Feb.21, 02:32 PM
[] - Marlo - 2008.Feb.21, 04:23 PM