Watch us bleed financially dry The Sc4cEd 0vt WaNk3r$ &
2023.May.21, 06:00 PM
Watch us bleed financially dry The Sc4cEd 0vt WaNk3r$ &
Post: #1
And HoWL At ThE Mo0n.This is a brilliant plan to force them to waste their action points on gang points we don't have want or need we make money

You pound Macleod to a bloody pulp. When you are satisfied at the pool of blood laying at your feet, you slip off into the shadows.

Experience Earned : Hospitalizations do not earn experience.
Hospitalization Time : 167

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Watch us bleed financially dry The Sc4cEd 0vt WaNk3r$ & - SuperDave - 2023.May.21 06:00 PM