Buying creds for ds
2018.Feb.08, 01:30 PM
RE: Buying creds for ds
Post: #4
But I already have the best shotgun I can use.

That's it dick pics it is


FilthyMick hits Ramon Wiley for 1849 damage. Ramon Wiley resists 43 for a total of 1806 damage.

Messages In This Thread
Buying creds for ds - filthymick - 2018.Jan.24, 08:46 PM
RE: Buying creds for ds - filthymick - 2018.Feb.07, 02:44 AM
RE: Buying creds for ds - johnsonhalo76 - 2018.Feb.08, 12:52 PM
RE: Buying creds for ds - filthymick - 2018.Feb.08 01:30 PM
RE: Buying creds for ds - backfromhell - 2018.Feb.09, 03:29 AM
RE: Buying creds for ds - filthymick - 2018.Feb.09, 10:39 AM
RE: Buying creds for ds - S2pmarine - 2018.Feb.09, 06:49 AM