Jail and Hospital Same Time
2007.Aug.01, 12:15 PM
Jail and Hospital Same Time
Post: #1
8974 -RW- Amelisa 5 20 Tried to bust out of jail. Bail Bust
8377 =VlR= JohnnyB 9 10 Tried to bust DaBunnyIsPimp out of jail. Bail Bust
August 1, 2007
1:12 pm

8974 -RW- Amelisa 5 7 Was cut down by S.W.A.T. in an organized crime.
2690 mOnaLisA 14 6 Lost in combat to randomjacker.
August 1, 2007
1:12 pm

I remember reading that this issue is corrected. But if you look Amelisa was in jail and in the hospital at exactly the same time today.

Messages In This Thread
Jail and Hospital Same Time - Jolabent - 2007.Aug.01 12:15 PM