want to buy an axe
2013.Jan.20, 04:13 PM
want to buy an axe
Post: #1
Broyles Inc. Riot Axe$1,250,0008.0 kgArcology of the Covenant
Broyles Inc. Ionized Ono Axe$800,0005.0 kgArcology Arts
Ares Ionized Bardiche$550,0008.0 kgGuido the Fence
Broyles Inc. Ionized Axe$350,0005.0 kgDecatur Beach Pawn Shop

any of these will do at the right price

Don't hate the player - hate the game.
Blinded by the light.

Messages In This Thread
want to buy an axe - ColdBlood - 2013.Jan.20 04:13 PM