Defending Your Hide-Out
2007.Jul.12, 04:45 PM
Defending Your Hide-Out
Post: #1
I noticed that ; while in the hospital , there is a " prompt" for you to plan a defense strategy for your gangs' hideout and it costs you 3 action points . Down below that , I notice that on the left is the name of the gang that we're at war with . So; if I click on defend your hide out I actually adding points to The OPPOSING gang ? Shouldn't the name of MY gang be in the box on the left ?

Messages In This Thread
Defending Your Hide-Out - Stunderbuttz - 2007.Jul.12 04:45 PM
[] - Thor - 2007.Jul.12, 05:19 PM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2007.Jul.12, 07:57 PM