Random Idea
2012.Jan.24, 01:36 PM
Random Idea
Post: #1
Weird story how I happened on this but I want to see what everyone thinks of this idea. The idea is to have the power to structure gangs in different ways according to some real life jobs. For example, you might be able to structure your gang as the military might. Where each person would get a rank, with certain features and you could have as many different ranks as you want and work your way up. And therefore being a military gang maybe they get a bonus in combat or war.

-A corporation structured gang maybe gets an advantage in career and how many career points they get so it is easily to lvl careers. You could have ranks like CEO, VP, all the way down to mailboy lol idk...

-This might make things a bit more interesting as it can make each gang much more unique and maybe make specialization gangs....

Just an idea

Messages In This Thread
Random Idea - Patriot - 2012.Jan.24 01:36 PM
RE: Random Idea - GlennQuagmire - 2012.Jan.24, 01:45 PM
RE: Random Idea - MrPapagiorgio - 2012.Jan.24, 01:48 PM
RE: Random Idea - Dreadwind - 2012.Jan.27, 12:33 AM
RE: Random Idea - Patriot - 2012.Jan.24, 02:33 PM