What happens if you run out of hitpoints
2007.Jun.18, 06:15 PM
What happens if you run out of hitpoints
Post: #1
What happens if you run out of hitpoints do you just come back to life, do you lose your account and have 2 make another one.
Do you lose a level do you lose everything and go back to level1?
what happens if you run out of hitpoints i would like to know?

Messages In This Thread
What happens if you run out of hitpoints - DaBunnyIsPimp - 2007.Jun.18 06:15 PM
[] - Scorpious - 2007.Jun.18, 06:23 PM
[] - pimpsta101 - 2007.Jun.18, 06:53 PM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Jun.18, 07:00 PM
[] - Dresicos - 2007.Jun.18, 07:02 PM