Axe or Long Blade? Construction or Martial Arts?
2010.Dec.01, 06:33 AM
RE: Axe or Long Blade? Construction or Martial Arts?
Post: #4
lbm, martial arts. after seeing multiple 1k crits from a friend who upgraded his lbm i believe they are good at the top. martial arts because str and dex are equal for melee but you get the melee bonus with martial arts. no one wars so the construction bonuses right now at least aren't worth much

Messages In This Thread
Axe or Long Blade? Construction or Martial Arts? - Absinth - 2010.Nov.30, 11:00 PM
RE: Axe or Long Blade? Construction or Martial Arts? - OnwardTowardTheGlory - 2010.Dec.01 06:33 AM