Non-Unique Blunt Weapons
2009.Feb.06, 05:45 PM
Non-Unique Blunt Weapons
Post: #1
Looking for someone with personal experience using them that can provide any info.

Intelligence requirements for these are very high..,
my current intelligence is still ways off, but I'm ranked 90 in the top ranks for intel..., so not sure if anyone's out there that can help, but..,

Anyone active have enough intel + personal experience using them that can relay any general info.., ie PvP model (Number of hits vs. damage vs. criticals etc) and general hideout attack information.

Weapons in question are as follows:


Ionized RazorWhip
Item Type Melee Weapon (Blunt)
Legality Illegal

Availability Rating 0

Concealment Rating 7

Weight (kilograms) 0.9 kg

Standard Price $500,000

Trade-in Value $165,000

The Ionized RazorWhip is known on the streets as a LazorWhip. Equipped with a negatively-charged stun sensor along its length, this weapon creates an additional shock effect when a successful hit is scored. Knowing how to use this weapon not only requires a 28 dexterity, but also a 17 intelligence due to the quick reactions needed to avoid injury of use.

Item Requirements
Dexterity 28
Intelligence 17


Ionized RazorFlail
Item Type Melee Weapon (Blunt)
Legality Illegal

Availability Rating 0

Concealment Rating 5

Weight (kilograms) 10.0 kg

Standard Price $1,000,000

Trade-in Value $125,000

The Ionized RazorFlail is similar to the RazorFlail but with an additional ionized charger for better damage. All flails are considered blunt weapons. Known for massive crushing damage, the Ionized RazorFlail gives any weapon a run for their money.

Item Requirements
Strength 30
Intelligence 20


Broyles Inc. Riot Flail
Item Type Melee Weapon (Blunt)
Legality Illegal

Availability Rating 0

Concealment Rating 2

Weight (kilograms) 15.0 kg

Standard Price $1,250,000

Trade-in Value $300,000

Broyles Inc Axes are known around AL as excellent axes. Enter in their first flail, capable of delivering hits similar to the original razorwhip, although with much greater effect.

Item Requirements
Strength 55
Intelligence 22

Please post with any relevant info

"It takes only one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth." George F. Burns

Messages In This Thread
[] - Punisher - 2009.Feb.09, 10:22 PM
Non-Unique Blunt Weapons - Prophesy - 2009.Feb.06 05:45 PM
[] - Weebay - 2009.Feb.06, 05:49 PM
[] - ZeonOne - 2009.Feb.09, 01:29 PM
[] - Accipender - 2009.Feb.09, 06:26 PM
[] - ZeonOne - 2009.Feb.09, 08:06 PM
[] - ZeonOne - 2009.Feb.10, 08:49 AM
[] - Dingus - 2009.Feb.10, 09:31 AM