Poll: AK-98 or Colt M-23 Assault
Colt M-23 Assault
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help me decide.......(ranged weapon content)
2007.Mar.28, 09:23 AM
help me decide.......(ranged weapon content)
Post: #1
should I go for the


or the

Colt M-23 Assault

The AK-98 is a/an Gun Item - The AK-98 is a hybrid form of the old AK-47, the most popular assault rifle in the world. The AK-98 has some major stopping power, but due to its recoil and automatic firing rate, a minimum 12 strength, 16 accuracy, and 7 endurance are required to weild it effectively. With the gas-vent used for recoil compensation, targeting is much easier.

The Colt M-23 Assault is a/an Gun Item - The Colt M-23 Assault Rifle is one of the easiest guns to target vital areas, but compensates by a slower firing rate. A minimum 16 accuracy, 12 strength, and 6 endurance is required.

Messages In This Thread
help me decide.......(ranged weapon content) - FaceOwner - 2007.Mar.28 09:23 AM
[] - Chris Mangano - 2007.Mar.28, 10:43 AM