Doctors report on the Elders
2007.Mar.20, 09:14 PM
Post: #8
Now Now alll..

Doctor says that we must be patient with the Elders the medication should be kickin in soon . The bad part is that due to economic reasons they are now forced to purchase the generic brands.. But its ook its supposed to be just as good..

The one good thing in all of this is that we have been able to revivie the Viking Rubber ducky it has been relocated to a secure site away from Sarge and Cris.

It will be testifying in the hearings and medical review board against the above 2 mentioned defendants

YEs to all of you that are not aware the current hospitllization of players by the Elders wasa due to a daring raid performed late last night.

Our braves participant dared to invade the Elders dwelling and secure 1 said Viking Rubber Ducky. We also did hhelp ourselves to a few other things on the way out. Unfortunatly LostAngel was no longer atthe residence and the panty raid part was a failure.

But the main goal was achieved the rVisking Rubber Duck in now under our control and with it we will take over the world :shock: opps sorry wrong story line...

Ahhhh were was I oh yeah.. well I will give you more info as we go along as this appears to be a long enough post and hospital stay

Messages In This Thread
Doctors report on the Elders - Nightrain - 2007.Mar.20, 12:03 PM
Re: Doctors report on the Elders - mudpies - 2007.Mar.20, 12:23 PM
[] - Spider101 - 2007.Mar.20, 12:36 PM
[] - Dracon - 2007.Mar.20, 04:05 PM
[] - Thor - 2007.Mar.20, 04:37 PM
[] - matt5250 - 2007.Mar.20, 05:16 PM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2007.Mar.20, 05:34 PM
[] - Nightrain - 2007.Mar.20 09:14 PM