little addition to the bioplex?
2009.Jan.02, 01:04 PM
little addition to the bioplex?
Post: #1
can it not show in the bioplex how much money was spent on trainers in a day

i duno if its been suggested before, i just hate using the search function

4:18 pm
New! Jack Mort attacked you and lost.

4:15 pm
New! Rafal attacked you and lost.

Messages In This Thread
little addition to the bioplex? - awesomo - 2009.Jan.02 01:04 PM
[] - zenith - 2009.Jan.07, 04:00 PM
[] - awesomo - 2009.Jan.07, 04:01 PM
[] - zenith - 2009.Jan.07, 04:06 PM
[] - awesomo - 2009.Jan.07, 04:07 PM
[] - Marlo - 2009.Jan.07, 06:59 PM
[] - awesomo - 2009.Jan.08, 02:33 PM