2009.Mar.09, 09:55 AM
Post: #9
i love this idea!!!!

i had one on a similar level, we should be able to win from contests like a big chain/charm necklace that can be equipped as a helmet would, but adds 25% of ther wearers full happiness to their total happiness, instead of any defensive increases.


yes, this is a hijack

Messages In This Thread
[] - McCule - 2009.Mar.09, 09:31 PM
Hotels - Aqualung451 - 2009.Mar.09, 07:06 AM
RE: Hotels - shadowlinger - 2009.Mar.10, 07:55 AM
[] - NastyFO - 2009.Mar.09, 07:22 AM
[] - gdingks - 2009.Mar.09, 07:31 AM
[] - BadLuck - 2009.Mar.09, 07:36 AM
[] - gdingks - 2009.Mar.09, 07:38 AM
[] - BadLuck - 2009.Mar.09, 07:52 AM
[] - gdingks - 2009.Mar.09, 08:37 AM
[] - Batman - 2009.Mar.09, 08:57 AM
[] - filthymick - 2009.Mar.09 09:55 AM
[] - TommiTheTaco - 2009.Mar.09, 11:58 AM
[] - thatthingufear - 2009.Mar.09, 09:46 PM
[] - McCule - 2009.Mar.09, 11:30 PM