Legality of weapons
2008.Dec.06, 01:05 AM
Post: #6

can't be certain,
but I've been told what Mock said as well, that legality effects jailtime stays, especially as it refers to being caught in combat by the LoneStar po-po jerks

"It takes only one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth." George F. Burns

Messages In This Thread
Legality of weapons - hardasgranite - 2008.Nov.30, 06:48 PM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2008.Nov.30, 06:58 PM
[] - Punisher - 2008.Nov.30, 07:13 PM
[] - hardasgranite - 2008.Nov.30, 07:21 PM
[] - Mock8800 - 2008.Nov.30, 08:44 PM
[] - Prophesy - 2008.Dec.06 01:05 AM