Bad Kidz [365 respect] vs. Clan Malkav [31 respect]
2007.Mar.07, 12:49 AM
Post: #3
ouch, there still going at it? them been at war with them the same time i think they were at war with my gang, that was bout 12'ish hours ago?

Messages In This Thread
Bad Kidz [365 respect] vs. Clan Malkav [31 respect] - FaceOwner - 2007.Mar.06, 11:36 PM
[] - oddjob - 2007.Mar.06, 11:45 PM
[] - kobalt - 2007.Mar.07 12:49 AM
[] - noblebandit - 2007.Mar.07, 03:03 AM
[] - Markel - 2007.Mar.07, 06:37 AM