Question: encumberance rating
2008.Nov.09, 01:41 PM
Post: #9
Thor Wrote:Fine, fine...

But I know the evasion skill says "Requires a low encumbrance rate to take full use of your training.

Only Zen can enlighten us on that part if it means the lower the better or not.

when i asked zen she said if you train the evasion skill that you have more "evasion points" if your encumbrance is low. she said that encumbrance doesnt matter if you dont train evasion.

Messages In This Thread
[] - Canosoup - 2008.Nov.13, 12:33 PM
Question: encumberance rating - devoid - 2008.Nov.02, 09:06 PM
[] - superdude - 2008.Nov.02, 09:07 PM
[] - thatthingufear - 2008.Nov.02, 09:10 PM
[] - devoid - 2008.Nov.02, 09:12 PM
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[] - thatthingufear - 2008.Nov.02, 09:19 PM
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[] - alinutza - 2008.Nov.09, 02:38 PM
[] - xSleekx - 2008.Nov.13, 11:34 AM
[] - ZeonOne - 2008.Nov.13, 12:30 PM
[] - alinutza - 2008.Nov.13, 02:25 PM