Official Chuckaroundhouse remembrance day
2009.Feb.09, 06:30 PM
Post: #10
Chuckaroundhouse was the master of the writing style "And Now For Something Completely Different", it's an amazing forum fight style. Because no one knows who you are talking to and what you are trying to say, so they have to sink to the same level of stupidity and Chuck could beat them with experience.

Key to success: "Dress everyday like you're gonna get murdered in those clothes.

Messages In This Thread
[] - Canosoup - 2009.Feb.09, 07:31 AM
[] - Moriarty - 2009.Feb.09, 01:06 AM
[] - Dingus - 2009.Feb.09, 07:26 AM
[] - thatthingufear - 2009.Feb.09, 08:17 AM
[] - ShadowKid - 2009.Feb.09, 09:09 AM
[] - DirkDanja - 2009.Feb.09, 09:17 AM
[] - ShadowKid - 2009.Feb.09, 09:27 AM
[] - awesomo - 2009.Feb.09, 04:44 PM
[] - Druchii - 2009.Feb.09 06:30 PM
[] - Accipender - 2009.Feb.09, 06:31 PM
[] - nathanket - 2009.Feb.09, 06:38 PM
[] - Gornikel - 2009.Feb.09, 08:54 PM
[] - shark24 - 2009.Feb.09, 09:39 PM
[] - DirkDanja - 2009.Feb.09, 10:49 PM
[] - bebopcrew420 - 2009.Feb.10, 02:10 PM