2008.Nov.02, 09:00 PM
Post: #1
After the ghouls ran back to the woods there was nothing left for us to hunt.

How about adding an option to go hunting in the woods and maybe after so many kills there could be an option for a butcher to make jerky for a price???

Just a thought

Messages In This Thread
Hunting - Jackal - 2008.Nov.02 09:00 PM
[] - Lucky666 - 2008.Nov.02, 09:01 PM
[] - TheMace - 2008.Nov.02, 09:11 PM
[] - Howlsong - 2008.Nov.02, 09:12 PM
[] - DirkDanja - 2008.Nov.02, 09:35 PM
[] - emocakes - 2008.Nov.02, 09:35 PM
[] - Lucky666 - 2008.Nov.02, 09:38 PM
[] - hardasgranite - 2008.Nov.03, 03:37 AM
[] - emocakes - 2008.Nov.03, 06:39 AM