2009.Jan.28, 03:00 PM
Post: #5
I think Zen's just playing with the difficulty dial on the server.

Yesterday my crimes were about 20% more successful than the prior 5 days....

Today, everyone has installed new car alarms or something.

Messages In This Thread
[] - Punisher - 2009.Jan.28, 06:49 PM
Jail - lrrltt - 2009.Jan.28, 02:46 PM
[] - snorkelbill - 2009.Jan.28, 02:50 PM
[] - Jackal - 2009.Jan.28, 02:52 PM
[] - ZhuSeth - 2009.Jan.28, 03:00 PM
[] - snorkelbill - 2009.Jan.28 03:00 PM
[] - buuddha - 2009.Jan.28, 04:18 PM
[] - Dingus - 2009.Jan.28, 06:09 PM
[] - BL00DYHAZ3 - 2009.Jan.29, 03:41 AM
[] - alinutza - 2009.Jan.29, 03:46 AM
[] - Scorpious - 2009.Jan.29, 01:19 PM