Exp Roll Back
2006.Jul.31, 07:22 AM
Post: #13
Ok it has happened 2 more times using firefox and no other browser open. Always happens just about the time I am about to level to 6, then rollback to 0 exp on 5. Again one time on attack, I left them for the exp then went back to home and 0 exp, the last time I pickpockted a drifter succeeded then rolled back to 0 exp.

I deleted IE and went with Firefox as suggested but still happening, any assistance would be great. Thanks

Messages In This Thread
Exp Roll Back - hawk187 - 2006.Jul.26, 06:27 AM
[] - zenith - 2006.Jul.26, 09:39 AM
[] - hawk187 - 2006.Jul.26, 02:40 PM
[] - zenith - 2006.Jul.26, 02:59 PM
[] - hawk187 - 2006.Jul.26, 03:24 PM
[] - zenith - 2006.Jul.26, 03:38 PM
[] - hawk187 - 2006.Jul.26, 03:52 PM
[] - zenith - 2006.Jul.26, 03:55 PM
[] - pimpsta101 - 2006.Jul.26, 05:54 PM
[] - hawk187 - 2006.Jul.26, 06:07 PM
[] - vampira - 2006.Jul.27, 07:03 AM
[] - Informatica - 2006.Jul.28, 08:08 PM
[] - hawk187 - 2006.Jul.31 07:22 AM
[] - Guebuds - 2006.Jul.31, 07:27 AM
[] - hawk187 - 2006.Jul.31, 07:29 AM
[] - Lostangel - 2006.Jul.31, 09:04 AM