Friends and Enemies
2008.Oct.19, 09:05 PM
Post: #5
I don't care for the idea..One reason being I don't care who likes me and who doesn't..Cool if you like me, you can eat my balls if you don't..Simple as that for me..

Messages In This Thread
Friends and Enemies - Coolmcoolieo - 2008.Oct.19, 08:46 PM
[] - Mock8800 - 2008.Oct.19, 08:49 PM
[] - Coolmcoolieo - 2008.Oct.19, 08:54 PM
[] - DirkDanja - 2008.Oct.19, 09:00 PM
[] - TommiTheTaco - 2008.Oct.19 09:05 PM
[] - Thor - 2008.Oct.20, 07:09 PM