Donating Bonuses
2007.Feb.18, 07:28 PM
Donating Bonuses
Post: #1
I have spent 15$ so far on this game, even though it is not alot I have a question.

I spent 5$ the first time, and then I spent 10$ the second.

If I am to spend 5$ more, is there any way that I can get the 20$ bonus for spending 20$ all-together?

Messages In This Thread
Donating Bonuses - Lysdexik - 2007.Feb.18 07:28 PM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2007.Feb.18, 07:34 PM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Feb.18, 08:12 PM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Feb.18, 08:15 PM
[] - psheehan78 - 2007.Feb.18, 08:23 PM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Feb.18, 08:24 PM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Feb.18, 08:39 PM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Feb.18, 08:42 PM
[] - psheehan78 - 2007.Feb.18, 08:49 PM
[] - zenith - 2007.Feb.18, 09:35 PM
[] - Ushanewnewba - 2007.Feb.19, 12:14 AM
[] - Nilynrae - 2007.Feb.19, 01:47 AM